For so many of us, coffee is a kitchen staple. It’s a part of our cherished morning routines and without it, the morning just isn’t the same (when I say some people, I mean ME! In my recent health per-suites; starting up this blog and beginning to look critically into my day to day practices to find ways to create a more centered, healthy life, I couldn’t help to look straight down at my cherished morning cup a’ Joe. Strangely enough, neither of my parents ever touched coffee, nor does my brother and these are some of the highest energy people I know… so was drinking this really giving me the BOOST I thought it was? I needed to learn more… the reviews were mixed:
The Pros:
- Many studies determined that drinking coffee can lower the risk of certain types of cancer (prostate, liver, breast, gastric, and colorectal), Parkinson’s disease, obesity, 11% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and heart disease, stroke.
- May improve blood sugar control; it’s best to drink after a large glass of water and with food to accomplish this.
- May help in weightloss and appetite reduction. Some studies even say it can increase calorie burn pre-workout up to 15%
- Reduces inflammation in the body which may help you live longer (lower risk in alzheimers & dementia)!
- High in Antioxidents, known to fight off oxidative damage that can cause cancer
The Cons:
- Coffee is one of the most heavily sprayed pesticide crop so when you don’t buy organic, high-quality coffee you could be consuming harmful chemicals and toxins
- It’s Addictive and too much of anything is not healthy – i don’t like knowing my body is dependent on any one thing.
- It’s acidic which can be hard on the digestive system for people with pH balance sensitivities like acid reflux (this doesn’t make it unhealthy for most who’s bodies control pH balance without issue.
- It’s a stimulant and can increase anxiety and stress so for those suffering with poor stress management, coffee may be only exacerbating stress and increasing our cortisol level **big for me!**
- Caffeine heightened cortisol levels can throw off our delicate hormonal balance which also may not be good for those with thyroid issues
- Too much coffee can cause problems in the digestive tract.
- Impacts sleep patterns in a negative way if you drink it too late or find yourself sensitive to the stimulant
- Coffee can affect the bodies absorption of minerals like iron and zinc leading to deficiencies
- Headaches, irritability, fatigue (you all know that crash and burn feel…)
- Last but certainly not least, lowered libido — caffeine can drain your adrenals which in turns reduces your ability to enjoy physical pleasure & be in the moment
The Alternatives:
Cycling coffee consumption every 2-3 weeks can aid in control it’s addictive qualities and over-consumption.
Try Options like:
- Turmeric Tea
- Matcha (still has caffeine, more on this later)
- Warm Water with Lemon
- Teas
What this Means for me & Means for you:
Even though the majority of studies state that up to four 8-oz cups of coffee per day are safe, doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. You must listen to your body during stressful periods in life & adjust your consumption accordingly. Moderation is key! For me, i’m going to begin my recommendation in “cycling” as mentioned above. Cycling coffee in and out every few weeks to give the body a break from such intense stimulation and rest the adrenals, hormonal system, and manage my recently budding bout with anxiety. I’m beginning weaning off for the first time now for about 2 weeks and I will check in again to report how my body is feelings. I’m also going to explore supplementing with matcha and i’ll be sure to post on this experimentation. My early readings seem to imply it could help with the slower energy release that impacts my anxiety, remain sustained througout the day, and i know it’s PACKED with antixodients at a high level than any food we can eat. More on that SOON.
Hope you enjoyed the post.
Much love,
Really enjoyed reading your blog – interesting facts and tips for enlightened view on our every day lives! Liked the video wkout – 10 min first thing in the morn – can do that anywhere – no gym required! Keep up the great blog!