Hydration, a tale-old nutrition fundamental.
Since water makes up 75 percent of all muscle and 23 percent of all fatty tissue, this fundamental element isn’t going anywhere. In fact, the more I learn about the human body, the more critical I realize proper hydration really is for our mere survival, let alone optimization.
Room Temp Water vs. Ice Water
The answer is room temp. When we drink icy cold water, it causes the blood vessels in our stomach to contract, this becoming less absorbent. This will slow the hydration process.
ALSO – Icy cold water requires enzymes to bring it up to room temp in your body which will slow down the hydration process and use up enzymes that should be reserved for digesting our food.
THE BIGGEST cold water con? When we drink ice water with food, it completely slows the digestion process, causing poor breakdown of food a.k.a indigestion and poor nutrient absorption.
Are You Hungry or Are You Just Thirsty?
Do you even find yourself with a growl in your belly and knee-jerk to grab a snack only to realize you haven’t drank water in the last 3 hours? It happens to the best of us. During mid-day hunger spikes, I always try drinking a big glass of water before snacking just to ensure it’s not a thirst signal disguised as a hunger signal. The body’s signals for dehydration typically come in an energy dip, dry mouth, headache. Watch these closely, or better yet, keep a glass of water nearby all day and avoid it all together if you can!
Most Hydrating Foods/Drinks:
- Cucumber
- Watermelon
- Celery
- Apple
- Romaine
- Citrus Fruits
Most Dehydrating Foods/Drinks:
- Coffee
- Alcohol
- Soda
- Deep-fried anything
- Refined Bread
- Crackers
- Chips
Top 10 Health Benefits of LOTS of Water:
- Sustained Energy
- Healthy Digestion
- Immunity
- Blood Pressure
- Cholestoral
- Weight Management
- Healthy Skin
- pH Balance
- Healthy Joint
- Anti-Aging
Let’s Spice It Up! How To Make Drinking Water More Fun
Add fruits & veggies to your water (let them soak overnight in the fridge for deeper flavor). I like to use lemon, orange peel, frozen grapes, grapefruit, strawberries, pineapple, watermelon – anything that’s in season!
Add herbs & spices to your water. I lovvee adding mint, cayenne, turmeric (all together is great), sometimes cinnamon (+Apple Cider Vinegar), stevia, or ginger.
Aloe Leaf is a super cleansing and hydrating. Chop up about 1 tbsp of whole aloe leaf and put it in your water. If you’re feeling a little adventurous, eat the aloe pulp (be careful though its verrrry cleansing to the belly if you know what I mean)
Ginger Root is great if you’ve got a belly ache. I like to drink warm water with fresh ginger (about a thumb size) when my belly needs a little extra lovin.
Essential Oils are probably one you haven’t thought of but there but as long as their food-grade you can eat them! Lavender is calming, orange is tangy and sweet, and mint is energizing and easy on the gut – add a drop or 2 to your water, easy as that!
Good Morning Detox
Like to start your morning routine with a little flush? It’s a good idea because overnight, our body does a lot of healing and repairing that produces waste matter. Starting your day by taking down this cell-flushing tonic will get everything moving (magnesium before bed helps this cause too). The drink will alkalinize your body, flush your cells, enhance circulation, and aid in elimination. (recipe from The Undiet Cookbook)
Lemon Cayenne Mint Refresher
- 1/2 lemon juiced
- 1 tsp cayenne portion to preference
- 1 tsp turmeric portion to preference
- 1 large pinch fresh mint leaves
- 28 oz distilled room temperature water or one full water bottle
Juice half of one lemon. Add spices. Tear up mint leaves and place in a full water bottle that you can shake. Shake well to fully mix the room temp water with the herbs & spices.
Portions are completely to preference! Option to sub lemon with grapefruit for a delicious variation of this recipe.