The topic of elixirs is especially exciting to me because it’s a key topic in this year Culinary Nutrition Expert curriculum. I’m honing in my taste buds for these before venturing into creating my own elixirs. I’m also breaking down the nutritional advantages & disadvantages of drinking the very popular Rebbl drinks.
OK – so I only tried 3 of the 8 or so different Rebbl drinks: the Matcha Latte, Cold-Brew Coffee Protein, and the Dark Chocolate Protein. From a purely flavor perspective… I would drink the Dark Chocolate Protein elixir EVERYDAY if I could afford to buy and drink 250 calories of tasty chocolate daily.
- Rebbl’s standards are above par, with every drink certified organic, fair trade, real ingredients, true taste, efficacy, super-herbed — founded by 2 friends, these are GOOD PEOPLES.
- The discription on the back of each bottle includes the specific benefits the ingredients have in each elixer: finally, a product that CELEBRATES their ingredients and the way they impact out bodies… wonder why Kraft’s mac & cheese doesn’t do that.. hmm.
- Adaptogens: help the body adapt to stressors, reducing your body’s stress response – which in turn helps us fight off stress-induced illness. *Also, hello! Who doesn’t need a little help creating some BAAALANCE in their body & brain as we deal with everyday stressors. Adaptogens have gotten a lot of attention in the natural management of adrenal & thyroid issues.
- Here are some key adaptogens in the elixers:
- Maca
- Ashwangandha
- Reishi
- Most of them are protein packed! They leave out (as noted on the bottle) the isolated flavor chemicals and gums, resulting in put, plant-based powered energizing nourishment.
- Coconut MCTs (also noted on the bottle): MCT’s from coconuts are the famed fit-body fats that support an efficient metabolism, providing a sustained source of smooth, clean energy.
- Here are some key adaptogens in the elixers:
- By ingredients, REBBL Elixirs are dairy-free / non-dairy, egg-free, gluten-free, grain-free, nut-free, peanut-free, soy free, and vegetarian
- Con: drinking calories is always a con for me & the drinks are a bit high in sugar. Saturated fat content is high, however,the main saturated fat in coconut oil and milk is lauric acid, which is not as harmful, if at all, compared to animal sourced saturated fats (so we’ll let that slide).
THESE THINGS ROCK! Responsible, sustainable, mission-based, good for your head, heart, and body. Be careful not to bring them like water, be responsible with your drink calories, but it’s a heck of a lot better than that sugar-packed, processed energy bar you would have grabbed otherwise.